Monday, October 19, 2009

somewhere between blood and rust

seething shores descending
sons stagger unhinged and flay
keep safe between bridges
diving to conquer a thing found
dislodged still.

dredges tension sticking
pressure columns palpitate
beating to a future
scars encrust.

the history of rust aching
silent daughters disembowel
a sieve filtering language and bones.

....some glad morning when this life is over, i'll fly away...

suckle unto a solace falling
unmangle and let stay
tincture tastes a stench remembered
among massacred dancing toes
stabbing kisses that damage and hang
spewing severed perception and flesh.

...i'll fly away, oh glory, i'll fly away...

--21 oct 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

weeping pear

"I bruised my pear. It's weeping."

--composed by Pintitombi


Flaneur for surprises. I'm bursting open with feelings
spilling me bare.

---18 Aug 2009 at 9:38AM

Friday, October 2, 2009

On the ocean (for my sister Jessie)

this moment finally
full of desire
i can touch it
it's right there
everything passing
egypt is waiting us
holding on where the sky ends

this moment travelling
destiny telling tides
surrounding us around
i'm out there
on the ocean
soul overflowing
reaching for them
feeling life
for us.

--3 octobre 2009